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What are you buying?

You're buying a lot, approximately 1 hectare or 105,000 square feet or more, or for our French and Mexican friends, 9755 square meters or more. More, because some lots will be irregular and may in some cases reach 110,000 or 10,219 meters. Among a small group of open-minded people. In this place, all beliefs are respected, no religion can impose itself on others. This lot has its title deeds in full public record. This is your guarantee that this lot will always be rightfully yours. The rules of Mexican scouting do not apply in such a case. (Mexican scouting gives the right of usufruct to any Mexican by birth who manages to stay and maintain a place where the writings are not public for 7 years. ) This lot will give you the privilege of building up to 20 homes to accommodate your entire family, but will require you to build at least one, either by yourself, an outside builder or our group within the first 2 years. The goal is to bring this dynamic future mini-village to life quickly. The 2 years begin when you take possession of the land.


Please understand that costs are kept low to help you SET UP. We would like a firm moral commitment not to buy for speculative purposes when the value obtained on day 1 of the purchase is very possibly double. If our intention was speculation, the price would be consequent. Our aim is to create a wonderful little village where people know each other and can pull together if difficulties arise. No one has to love everyone or to participate in activities, only to understand that respect must prevail at all times and that in case of danger, we'll be there as a family to help. All profits will be reinvested in the spaces that will be available to the community. If, after a reasonable period of living there, you don't find what you're looking for, we'll respect your desire to sell and ask you to find buyers with the same intentions for the village.


The common areas in phase 1 will be: jungle club, crops (initial crop plan drawn up by food forest design professionals), chicken coops, swimming area, paths. Phase 2: Beach club, gym, screening room, controlled-environment cultivation building, spa, playground, lounge, convenience store, kiosk space for those with products to sell 1 day a week. Yoga room, meditation room, temazcal, observation tower and more. All common spaces will require a small annual contribution to pay employees and maintain them. As the community grows, these revenues can be applied to ideas shared by residents. You have the right not to take out a membership card, but you'll need one to receive your share of food and access to the facilities or the sea. You will have the "daily" or "monthly" option for your guests, but this only gives access to the facilities and not to the food. An annual pass for non-residents will be available, for triple the price, but this does not give access to the food produced either. If you have guests staying on site for more than 6 months, it will be possible for them to take the 6-month pass as a resident.


A special area will be set aside for the collection of non-degradable waste and compost for those who do not wish to keep it for themselves.


We offer you the option of looking at the simple, inexpensive house plans we have on offer.


The lands will be delivered on or before June 1, 2024. The reality is that it's hard to predict how long it will take to subdivide and register them. We also have to make the journey. In reality, we hope to be ready to deliver by the holidays. We'll help you with all the immigration and purchasing procedures, holding your hand every step of the way.


Ideally, you'll arrive early, take a 6-month or 1-year lease in the city (we can help you find one, as the offers on the Internet are very limited, whereas the reality on the ground is different). You can also decide to arrive when everything is ready, but you'll certainly have to plan a little trip in the meantime when you take possession at the notary's office. We haven't yet had confirmation that you can do the whole thing remotely. If you own a motor home or would like to rent a trailer, site trailer or mobile home, we can allow you to temporarily set up on the lot until the roads are completed to get you to your space, even if you haven't yet been able to take possession. The option to move in can be applied as of October 1. Once possession is available, those who have completed the purchase process will be able to start building. If this is done by us, we will respect the order of construction deposits (deposit for building contract, this does not concern the deposit for the choice of land). It takes about 8 weeks to build a house.


For the choice of lot, an approximate preliminary choice will be offered in order of arrival in the project versus the deposit on the lot ( see below for prices and conditions ) Some people have spoken with us and given their word over a year and a half ago. I expect the order to change when the deposit is given. If the deposit cannot be made, the person loses priority. The price has varied slightly from the verbal predictions that were given. Not because the word is not respected, but because the national currency, the Mexican peso, has risen in value in relation to other currencies. So it's important to understand that the price of services, the purchase of land and materials for the construction of communal areas remain in pesos. At the time of the price announcement, the peso was considered to be 1 Canadian dollar for 16, whereas today it's 12.5... the effects are unfortunately being felt.


You're buying land in a tropical environment! Yes, it's hot. For those in the know, Campeche's heat is similar to Tulum's, except that there's a little less humidity (10% less on average). In summer, the heat reaches 40°C, and most of you will appreciate the air-conditioning. In winter, temperatures can drop to 15. For a short period of time, you may even find it chilly! Mexicans go out less during the day and make the most of their mornings and evenings. A cool water source, such as a cenote, is very popular in summer, and the warm water of Campeche's shallows is wonderful in winter. True beauty for those who have experienced it.... no more snow!


Project sold out.

Thank you!


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